LMS Addon : All Courses
This is how the Courses backend shows for the site administrator. Courses section is the most important module in our Kalvi theme, since it has 100s of options inbuilt in it.
Now we are going to look the options of Courses Add New page. Once the page is opened you will have the section for the courses contents in which you can use the Visual Composer plugin. We have numerous shortcodes for courses and we will be explaining it in this documentation. Now lets see the Breadcrumb Options
Breadcrumb Options
With the Breadcrumb option metabox you can enable/disable the breadcrumb, set the position of breadcrumb, set background image, set background position, set background repeat, set background color and remove the top space if needed.
Courses Options
Page Layout
With the Courses Page Layout options you can select 4 types of Page Layout which are shown in the screenshot below.
Curriculum module plays the important role here. You can assign any number of lessons, quizzes and assignments to the individual courses from this module. In this section we do have 4 buttons.
This is how the curriculum section will be seen in front end once it is added (Student view before purchase).
- Add Section – This module will have a title option and this module will divide the added lesson, quiz and assignment section wise. That is if you have 2 sections in which there are lessons, quizzes and assignments individually in all the 2 sections, then all the 2 sections will be shown individually as shown here in this screenshot. The first section is locked and the second section is opened. We will see that concept later in this documentation.
- Add Lesson– Using this you can add the required number of lessons to the course.
- Add quiz– Using this you can add the required number of quizzes to the course.
- Add Assignment– Using this you can add the required number of assignments to the course.
Courses Overview
Courses Options
Curriculum Completion Lock
If this button is enabled then the user will be able to take next curriculum only when previous curriculums are completed ( ie. evaluated ). If some quizzes are marked as manual evaluation then student have to wait for evalution to be completed by the admin to take next curriculum item.
Open Curriculum On Submission
If this button is enabled then the user will be able to take next curriculum when they just submit current curriculum. No need for current curriculum to be evaluated. This option works simultaneously with “Curriculum Completion Lock”. Only if the “Curriculum Completion Lock” is enabled the “Open Curriculum On Submission” concept will work.
Co Instructors
Using this selection box option you can select “Co Instructors” to the individual course that you are editing. You can add as many as “Co Instructors” to the course.
Featured Course
If this button is enabled, then the course will be marked as featured and a “Featured” badge will appear in the coursed details page.
Social Share Items
Using this selection box option you can select “Social Share Items” to the individual course that you are editing. The available social share items are Facebook, Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest.
Show Related Courses
If this button is enabled, then the “Related Courses” section will appear in the coursed details page. The related courses will be displayed based on the course category.
Enable Certificate
If this button is enabled, then the Certificate option will be enabled for this course. This is the certificate that the user is going to get once he completes the course successfully.
Enable Badge
If this button is enabled, then the Badge option will be enabled for this course. This is the badge that the user is going to get once he completes the course successfully.
Certificate Percentage (%)
This is the option to set the Certificate Percentage. The user will get the certificate only if he obtains this percentage overall.
Badge Percentage (%)
Similar to the certicate percentage, this is the option to set the Badge Percentage. The user will get the badge only if he obtains this percentage overall.
Certificate Template
Using this selection box option you can select Certificate template which is created from the “All Certificates” menu. You can create your own certificate or use the default template. We will explain all of them separately.
Badge Image
Using this option you can upload custom image to the badge of the course.
From this Attachments section you can add any number media attachments for the course like word document, image files (jpeg, gif, png), ppf files, pdf files,etc. The attachment of the course can be downloaded only if the course is purchased.
Drip Feed
Drip Feed is an interesting concept in our LMS Addon. In general the drip feed concept is for the users to move to the next CURRICULUM (lessons, quizzes and assignments) or SECTION (group) based on the drip feed duration. We have already explained the section concept previously. For example if the drip feed duration is set to 10 minutes, then the next curriculum can be viewed only after that 10 mins. We have numerous options to execute the drip feed concept and we will look into it briefly now.
Drip Content Type
From this selection box you can choose Curriculum or Section to be drip feeded. That is, if you select curriculum, then the next item in that CURRICULUM (lessons, quizzes and assignments) will open after the duration set in the Drip Duration Type.
Drip Duration Type
Here you can choose the drip duration type as the following.
- Static – Specify the drip duration in the static drip duration box which will be the consecutive drip duration between items (curriculum or section..)
- Dynamic – Duration specified in each CURRICULUM (lessons, quizzes and assignments). will be taken as drip duration.
Static Drip Duration
Add drip feed duration in numbers for course curriculum or section.
Static Drip Duration Parameter
Choose your static drip duration parameter in Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months or Years.
Note: These options will work only when the Drip Feed option is enabled and the Drip Duration Type as Static.
Course Start Date
From the Course Start Date, you can set a future date for the course to start. For example you can set any date in future as start date and there will be countdown timer displayed in the course details page. Only after the time is reached, the “Add to Cart” button will appear and the course can be purchased and viewed.
Allow Purchases Before Course Start Date
If you like to allow student to make purchases before course start date you can choose this option, but they won’t be able to take course until course start date is reached.
Enable Sidebar Content
With this option you can add any additional content in sidebar. You need to add the sidebar content in the format of shortcodes. You can use shortcodes from the theme. You need to add the shortcodes in “Sidebar Content” text area.
Capacity of the course is that, the maximum purchases that can be allowed for the course. That is if you have set the capacity as 100, and once the 100 purchases are completed, the course will not be allowed to purchase. And another thing is that the “Disable Purchases Over Capacity” button should be enabled to “Yes”. Only if this button is enabled, the course purchase will be disabled after the course capacity is reached.
Disable Purchases Over Capacity
This button “Disable Purchases Over Capacity” works simultaneously with Capacity option. If this button is not enabled, then even the course capacity is reached, the user will be allowed to purchase the course.
Course Prerequisite
You can set a Course Prerequisite from this option. That is if you want to open the current course, only if the some other course is completed. For example there are 2 courses namely Course A and Course B. If you set Course Prerequisite to Course A as Course B, then only after completing Course B, the Course A can be viewed.
Allow Purchases Before Course Prerequisite
If you like to allow student to make purchases before Course Prerequisite is completed you can choose this option, but they won’t be able to take course until Course Prerequisite is completed.
Woocommerce Options
From this woocommerce metabox option you can set the Regular price and Sale price for the course item. No need to configure the price from the woocommerce plugin. Everything is done in our LMS Addon itself. This course will act as a woocommerce product and regular woocommerce method of purchasing a product can be performed. The woocommerce plugin needs to be installed and activated for this metabox to show.
Courses Sidebar Meta Box Options
We do have 6 metaboxes in our LMS Addon and we have listed them below. These 6 metaboxes are used to include some additional functionality to the courses section.
- 1. Courses Option
- 2. Featured Video
- 3. Course Group
- 4. Course News
- 5. Course Events
- 6. Course Forum